Star Trek Enterprise 1×09 – Civilization

Star Trek Enterprise 1×09 – Civilization
The Enterprise stumbles upon a populated planet and a nefarious plot. The crew fails to keep a low profile and enlists the help of a local. Also Archer just cannot keep it in his pants. Enterprise 01x09 - Civilization Directed by Mike Vejar Written by Mike Sussman & Phyllis Strong Memory Alpha: Link There Are Four Mics is a weekly podcast…

Star Trek Enterprise 1×03 – Fight or Flight

Star Trek Enterprise 1×03 – Fight or Flight
Hello! Welcome to our first (available) episode! Due to some technical difficulties our discussion of the Enterprise pilot episode is not available for download. If you enjoy the idea of being the potential cause of an ecological disaster for an entire planet, have caught yourself wondering aloud how alike the ambitions of humans and slugs are, or…