
Hello! Welcome to our first (available) episode!

Due to some technical difficulties our discussion of the Enterprise pilot episode is not available for download.

If you enjoy the idea of being the potential cause of an ecological disaster for an entire planet, have caught yourself wondering aloud how alike the ambitions of humans and slugs are, or have been considering whether the harvesting of minute amounts of fluid from sentient beings might have significant returns, then this episode might be for you.

Enterprise 01×03 – Fight or Flight
Directed by Allan Kroeker
Written by Rick Berman and Brannon Braga

Memory Alpha: Link

Join your hosts, Chris Keeley, Jason Allen, Joe Heiser and Josh Jones as they discuss the third episode of Star Trek: Enterprise, Fight or Flight.

There Are Four Mics is a weekly podcast starring a group of nobodies talking about Star Trek episodes and movies in stardate order. Grab a beer and listen in.

Direct download available here: Link

Music credits:
Faith of the Heart/Where My Heart Will Take Me – performed by Russell Watson, Jerry Lubbock, and the New York Trek Orchestra
Archer’s Theme – Dennis McCarthy and New York Trek Orchestra

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